Mon, 11 June 2018
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and symmetrical book-stacking, from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Jordan Monsell, and Robbie Rist. Joining us for the NERDS LIKE US Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the Columbia logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the same logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for listening, and remember: if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES! |
Thu, 18 May 2017
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and multiple alien goo spit-takes from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, and Robbie Rist. (Plus, a special mystery guest!) Whether you're Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie screening or watching at home, pause the audio at 0:48 and wait for the Columbia Pictures logo to fade out. Thanks for listening, and keep watching the skies! |
Wed, 18 January 2017
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and a forged Group 6 access from Thom Bowers, Peter Zachos, and Bernie Bregman. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie screening? Pause the mp3 at 0:09 and wait for the "Buena Vista Pictures" title card. Watching at home? Pause on that title and wait for our countdown. Either way, like the man says: there's no problems, only solutions. Thanks for listening! |
Wed, 7 September 2016
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and all manner of airborne daredevilry (it's all part of the show!) from Thom Bowers and Bernie Bregman. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie screening? Pause the mp3 at 0:09 and wait for the "Walt Disney" title card. Watching at home? Pause on that title and wait for our countdown. Either way, don't forget your Beeman's gum, and thanks for listening! |
Mon, 8 August 2016
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and very reasonable guys (Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Robbie Rist, special guest Peter Kwong) experiencing some very unreasonable things. |
Mon, 28 March 2016
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and warm, soft gummy bears, from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Bobby Bognar, and Robbie Rist. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the Paramount logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, pardon our French, and thanks for listening! |
Thu, 3 March 2016
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and a spirited defense of adorable murderbears from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, and Christina Tellifson. We watched the original cut, but the Special Edition will work, too. To sync up, just pause your video on the Lucasfilm logo, wait for our countdown...and the Force will be with you. Always. |
Tue, 19 January 2016
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and a few metric tons of goblin glitter from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Maria Perry, and Courtney Ortega. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the Tri-Star logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, what's said is said. Thanks for listening! |
Fri, 10 April 2015
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and surprising solutions to no-win scenarios from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Matthew Wrather, and Mike Maxwell. Joining us for the NERDS LIKE US Midnight Movie? By the book: pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the Paramount logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, we are and ever shall be your friends. Thanks for listening! |
Wed, 26 November 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and double negatives that lead to proof positive from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Robbie Rist and Matthew Wrather. Joining us for the NERDS LIKE US Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:07 and wait for the Paramount logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, to make a long story short (TOO LATE!) thanks for listening. |
Thu, 13 November 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and vaguely-defined post-mortem superpowers from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, and Dioscoro Rochino. Joining us for the NERDS LIKE US Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:12 and wait for the Miramax logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, FIRE IT UP! FIRE IT UP! And thanks for listening. |
Thu, 16 October 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and grumbling about tarnished legacies, from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Jordan Monsell, Robbie Rist, and Matthew Wrather. Joining us for the NERDS LIKE US Midnight Movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:07 and wait for the Geffen logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the same logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for listening, and remember: never trust the living! |
Thu, 11 September 2014
Insights, anecdotes, and rampant duck-ularity from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Grae Drake, Robbie Rist, and Matthew Wrather. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the second (older) Universal logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause on the same logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, embrace your birdness! And thanks for listening. |
Tue, 12 August 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and day-glo bug guts, from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, and Robbie Rist. Would you like to know more? Citizens joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie may proceed to 0:06 and wait for the Tri-Star logo, while civilians watching at home must pause the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for joining up today and doing your part!
Wed, 9 July 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and a mad dash to Da Choppa from Thom Bowers, Bernie Bregman, Al Joya, and Mike Mazon. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:09 and wait for the 20th Century Fox logo to appear. Watching at home? Pause after the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, stick around! And thanks for listening. |
Thu, 10 April 2014
Insights, anecdotes, and jocularity (but NO CAMELS!) from Thom Bowers and Bernie Bregman. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the Paramount logo to appear. Watching at home? Pause after the logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for listening. You have chosen wisely! |
Wed, 8 January 2014
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and totally sweet martial arts moves from Thom Bowers, R Andru, Bernie Bregman, Josh Nixon, Michele Ivey, and Robbie Rist. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause the mp3 at 0:06 and wait for the New Line logo to fade out. Watching at home? Pause after the New Line logo and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for listening. Cowabunga! |
Wed, 4 September 2013
Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and shiny misbehavior from Thom Bowers, R Andru, Bernie Bregman, and special guest Matt Wrather of Overthinking It. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause the mp3 at 00:42 and wait for the universal logo to come up. Watching at home? Pause the Universal logo at 00:22 and wait for our countdown. Either way, thanks for listening! |
Thu, 1 August 2013
Random flailing, existential navel-gazing, cheesy puns, and occasionally relevant content with Thom Bowers, R Andru, and Bernie Bregman. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause mp3 at the countdown and wait for MGM Leo's first roar. Watching at home? Pause DVD at MGM Leo's first roar and wait for the countdown. Thanks for listening! |
Fri, 5 July 2013
Ruminations on a perfect slice of cinematic fortune and glory, with Thom Bowers, R Andru, Bernie Bregman, and Travis Jay Coleman. Joining us for the Nerds Like Us midnight movie? Pause at the countdown and wait for the Paramount logo. |
Thu, 9 May 2013
By Grabthar's Hammer! Insights, anecdotes, jocularity, and occasional excursions into Thermian, delivered by Thom Bowers, R Andru, and Bernie Bregman. Join us at the Nerds Like Us ( midnight movie on Fri May 10 or play the home game at your leisure. |
Tue, 2 April 2013
Insights, anecdotes, and jocularity delivered at Raspberry-flavored Ludicrous Speed by Thom Bowers, R Andru, and Bernie Bregman. |
Wed, 6 March 2013
In which Thom Bowers, R. Andru, and Bernie Bregman engage in leg-sweeping, crane-posing, and a hell of a lot of on-waxing. Join us at the Nerds Like Us midnight movie on Friday March 8 ( or play the home game whenever you'd like. Thanks for listening! |
Wed, 6 February 2013
The first in a series of commentaries created to coincide with the Nerds Like Us midnight movies. Insights, anecdotes, and jocularity from Thom Bowers, R. Andru, Bernie Bregman, and Travis J Coleman. Sync with movie after introduction, at 3:10. (You'll know it when you hear it.) |